Examines pandemic-era funded artist employment programs as models for expanding artist employment long-term, offering six reccommendations.
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Examines pandemic-era funded artist employment programs as models for expanding artist employment long-term, offering six reccommendations.
Creatives Rebuild New York
CRNY launched the “Portrait of New York State Artists” survey in February 2022 to build a portrait of the needs, circumstances, and experiences of artists across New York State. CRNY used data from this survey to conduct advocacy and narrative change work, and to assess whether the funding provided to artists through CRNY’s programs helped meet the needs of individual artists in any substantive or transformational ways.
Creatives Rebuild New York
Examines pandemic-era guaranteed income programs as models for advancing broader GI movement goals, offering six recommendations.
Springboard for the Arts
A compilation of insights, practices, and tools from our collective experiences as artists, as an organization working with hundreds of artists in communities, and from a few of the artist practitioners whom we admire. This is a practical manual for individual artists who would like to begin or deepen this kind of artistic practice – work in and work with community.