The Arts Impact Explorer is your advocacy case-making tool to educate local decision-makers about the social, cultural, educational, and economic impact of Arts and Culture in building healthy and vibrant communities.
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The Arts Impact Explorer is your advocacy case-making tool to educate local decision-makers about the social, cultural, educational, and economic impact of Arts and Culture in building healthy and vibrant communities.
Arts Education Partnership
ArtsEdSearch is the nation’s hub for research on the impact of arts education, including dance education. A project of the Arts Education Partnership, ArtsEdSearch is an online clearinghouse of research focused on the outcomes of arts education for students and educators, both during and outside the school day.
Americans for the Arts
The Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) is the sixth economic impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry in the U.S. AEP6 expands beyond the economic and financial data to learn about the nonprofit arts and culture sector’s social impact on the overall well-being of communities and the importance of affirming spaces in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and ALAANA (African, Latine, Asian, Arab, Native American) identifying communities.
Americans for the Arts
This dashboard captures coronavirus-related economic and social impacts from arts organizations and arts agencies of all types, genres, sizes, and tax statuses. You can use this tool to view national aggregated data or you can filter the information by geography to see localized impacts.