The Roundtable’s Face-to-Face 2022 plenary panel about the government and the arts sector featuring a discussion and Q&A with Alexander Santiago-Jirau and NYC Council Members Chi Ossé, Justin Brannan, Keith Powers, and Rita Joseph.
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The Roundtable’s Face-to-Face 2022 plenary panel about the government and the arts sector featuring a discussion and Q&A with Alexander Santiago-Jirau and NYC Council Members Chi Ossé, Justin Brannan, Keith Powers, and Rita Joseph.
Americans for the Arts – Arts Action Fund
Every year, the Arts Action Fund creates detailed data and narrative driven state factsheets that help tell the story of “Why the Arts Matter” in each state. These factsheets can be used as both an educational and advocacy tool, empowering arts advocates with a stronger case for the arts that they can bring to their political representatives at the state and local level.
The Center for Arts Education
This toolkit was created as a resource for parents and caregivers interested in developing the skills they need to be effectiveadvocates for their child’s education. The toolkit sheds light on what quality arts education looks like, why it matters, and how you can collaborate
with school leaders to improve and expand what your child’s school offers.
Americans for the Arts
The Arts Impact Explorer is your advocacy case-making tool to educate local decision-makers about the social, cultural, educational, and economic impact of Arts and Culture in building healthy and vibrant communities.