In this video, Zena Hinds provides an overview of the grant writing cycle with a focus on prospecting and research and writing a strong narrative. Best practices and helpful tips were discussed, followed by a Q&A. Recorded Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
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In this video, Zena Hinds provides an overview of the grant writing cycle with a focus on prospecting and research and writing a strong narrative. Best practices and helpful tips were discussed, followed by a Q&A. Recorded Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
Nonprofit Ready
Ready to learn how to write a winning nonprofit grant proposal? Choose your first course and learn where to find grants, how to become a grant writer, grant writing best practices, and so much more.
First Peoples Cultural Council Arts Program
The purpose of this handbook is to offer suggestions and clarify the process of writing an arts grant proposal. This handbook will explain the nature of arts funding and identify which organizations to apply to. You will be introduced to the common contents of an arts grant
application form and provided with advice on how to create a clear and strong proposal for
your project.
Blue Avocado
Grants are an important source of funds for nonprofits, but some may come with strings attached that can create more headaches than positives for your organization. A strategic approach can help you be sure you’re applying for the grants that best meet your needs.