The purpose of this guide is to help you understand your rights and options if you have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault at work.
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The purpose of this guide is to help you understand your rights and options if you have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault at work.
Equal Rights Advocates
A comprehensive toolkit that contains information about the legal rights of employees, practical tips on how to handle it, and resources on sexual harassment or sexual assault at work.
National Organization for Women – NYC
Legal steps to protect yourself and report workplace sexual harassment in NYC.
National Black Lives Matter at School
National Black Lives Matter at School is an organization struggling for liberation and racial justice in education for Black youth, educators, and all youth of color. We work to address racial justice in education by promoting restorative justice, advocating for mental health support, increasing Black teaching staff, ending police presence in schools, and mandating Black history and ethnic studies. Website includes curriculum guides and advocacy demands among other resources.