Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on financial planning and budgeting.
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Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on financial planning and budgeting.
Part of a series of professional development sessions for DNYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants expand their knowledge on development and fundraising pathways.
The Field
Crowdfunding campaigns are a great way to raise funds for a project while also engaging with your audience / donors. However, running a successful campaign requires thoughtful planning and preparation. Follow these 5 steps and you will raise some money!
Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides a framework to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on building upon their company’s vision and infrastructure.