Rus Garofalo and Eric Stoddard from Brass Taxes review questions to consider when you earn income from your creative work and explain the common types of business entities artists use.
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Rus Garofalo and Eric Stoddard from Brass Taxes review questions to consider when you earn income from your creative work and explain the common types of business entities artists use.
Creatives Rebuild New York
CRNY launched the “Portrait of New York State Artists” survey in February 2022 to build a portrait of the needs, circumstances, and experiences of artists across New York State. CRNY used data from this survey to conduct advocacy and narrative change work, and to assess whether the funding provided to artists through CRNY’s programs helped meet the needs of individual artists in any substantive or transformational ways.
Artists At Risk Connection (a project of PEN America)
A Safety Guide for Artists explores topics related to the political persecution of artists such as defining and understanding risk, preparing for threats, fortifying digital safety, documenting persecution, finding assistance, and recovering from trauma. Tips and strategies were drawn from testimony of artists who have faced persecution as well as the research and expertise of ARC’s network.
Teaching Artist Guild
An international network connecting and advocating for teaching artists. Website includes resource databases, free job and event listings, regional networks, a pay rate calculator, an online publication of articles by teaching artists, an asset map of teaching artists and organizations.