Nonprofit New York teamed up with New York Law School Nonprofit and Small Business Clinic to create this checklist to provide you with a comprehensive guide of what steps to take and when.
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Nonprofit New York teamed up with New York Law School Nonprofit and Small Business Clinic to create this checklist to provide you with a comprehensive guide of what steps to take and when.
Center for an Urban Future
Presented as a blueprint for the incoming Adams administration in 2022, this report includes actionable policy ideas from over 175 New Yorkers—including small business owners, company CEOs, labor leaders, community advocates, nonprofit practitioners, artists, college presidents, and former government officials.
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Protecting New Yorkers from the damaging effects of stormwater flooding in the immediate term requires action from both City government and New Yorkers. Rainfall Ready NYC outlines the shared responsibilities New Yorkers and City government can do to combat intense storms, together, today.
In this one-hour session you’ll learn the legal and logistical elements necessary to start a successful nonprofit. You’ll also learn about possible alternatives to starting your own nonprofit that you may not have considered. Finally, you’ll be introduced to a tool that will help you assess your own readiness to move forward.