An introduction to Claire Bishop’s theories and thinking about live performance and the visual arts relating to changes in the understanding of labor.
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An introduction to Claire Bishop’s theories and thinking about live performance and the visual arts relating to changes in the understanding of labor.
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
NDEO’s guide on dance and dance education for advocates to clearly and concisely communicate information regarding descriptions of dance, the state of dance education, and the potential impact of their proposed policies and programs.
Nyama McCarthy-Brown
This book provides dance educators with tools to refocus teaching methods to celebrate the pluralism of the United States. The contributors discuss how to diversify ballet technique classes and dance history courses in higher education, choreographing dance about socially charged contemporary issues, and incorporating Native American dances into the curriculum, among other topics.
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
This Arts Data Profile gives national and state-level estimates of artists in the workforce. The figures derive from American Community Survey (ACS) data covering 2015-2019. The ACS is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. State-level estimates are available for the total number of artists and for each individual type of artist (workers in any of 13 specific artist occupations).