dPlan|ArtsReady is an online emergency preparedness and response tool for arts and cultural organizations, regardless of size, scope, or discipline.
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dPlan|ArtsReady is an online emergency preparedness and response tool for arts and cultural organizations, regardless of size, scope, or discipline.
New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
NYFA, Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CEFF+), and National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER) join forces to help you protect yourself and your assets before an emergency.
National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness adn Emergency Response
Protect your arts facility, studio and programs from floods during snow melt with these simple preparation steps.
Artists At Risk Connection (a project of PEN America)
A Safety Guide for Artists explores topics related to the political persecution of artists such as defining and understanding risk, preparing for threats, fortifying digital safety, documenting persecution, finding assistance, and recovering from trauma. Tips and strategies were drawn from testimony of artists who have faced persecution as well as the research and expertise of ARC’s network.