Protect your arts facility, studio and programs from floods during snow melt with these simple preparation steps.
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Protect your arts facility, studio and programs from floods during snow melt with these simple preparation steps.
Today’s headlines are dominated by generative artificial intelligence (AI). Many people see this new technology as a cause for fear and uncertainty. But it should also be seen as an opportunity, especially for creators. The goal of this practical guide is to bridge the gap between generative AI technology and the artistry of dance.
Contracts and agreements play a major role in the administrative side of working as an artist. To help you through the process, we’ve put together this guide outlining some common ones, as well as useful resources.
From Equity, a performing arts and entertainment trade union based in the UK, [this guide] provides advice to dance companies on how to avoid discrimination of Deaf, disabled and neurodiverse dancers through guidance on how to reach Deaf, disabled and neurodiverse talent; how to make auditions and rehearsals accessible; and how to optimise working methods…