NYFA, Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CEFF+), and National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER) join forces to help you protect yourself and your assets before an emergency.
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NYFA, Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CEFF+), and National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER) join forces to help you protect yourself and your assets before an emergency.
dPlan|ArtsReady is an online emergency preparedness and response tool for arts and cultural organizations, regardless of size, scope, or discipline.
Makini Makes
A tool for artist freelancers’ personal financial planning, really thinking about how a financial plan can — at its core — be a reflection of needs and desires, and how to be in relationship on the basis of resource exchange. The form automatically does the complex math for you, so you can stay focused on the dreaming.
Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on financial planning and budgeting.