An expense budget is a list of everything you need to pay for to create your project, including costs of labor for yourself and anyone you hire. Read our primer on the topic courtesy of NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship’s Matthew Seig.
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An expense budget is a list of everything you need to pay for to create your project, including costs of labor for yourself and anyone you hire. Read our primer on the topic courtesy of NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship’s Matthew Seig.
The Field
A guide on the basics of fundraising as an artist, collective, or organization.
Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on financial planning and budgeting.
New Economy Coalition
A resource for people to find funding, investing, and fiscal sponsorship opportunities, as well as detail relationships between movement organizations and funders. NEC’s membership has long-recognized a need in our movement to unlock more trust-based, regionally-rooted flows of capital between projects and funders. The Solidarity Economy Funding Library is a response to that call.