Arts Law’s contract templates help artists and businesses build good legal contracts so everyone is on the same page. Each contract template includes a How To Guide and has example clauses you can edit to suit your situation.
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Arts Law’s contract templates help artists and businesses build good legal contracts so everyone is on the same page. Each contract template includes a How To Guide and has example clauses you can edit to suit your situation.
A contract resource for dance touring & presenting developed by the Dance/USA Equitable Contracting Joint Working Group. These are not intended as templates but instead as resources, and should be viewed as an effort to take another step in the process toward field-wide change.
Contracts and agreements play a major role in the administrative side of working as an artist. To help you through the process, we’ve put together this guide outlining some common ones, as well as useful resources.
Freelance Union
Designed to empower freelancers to create customized contracts tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. The contract creator is currently in beta mode and open for feedback!