Contracts and agreements play a major role in the administrative side of working as an artist. To help you through the process, we’ve put together this guide outlining some common ones, as well as useful resources.
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Contracts and agreements play a major role in the administrative side of working as an artist. To help you through the process, we’ve put together this guide outlining some common ones, as well as useful resources.
Springboard for the Arts
A compilation of insights, practices, and tools from our collective experiences as artists, as an organization working with hundreds of artists in communities, and from a few of the artist practitioners whom we admire. This is a practical manual for individual artists who would like to begin or deepen this kind of artistic practice – work in and work with community.
Artists At Risk Connection (a project of PEN America)
A Safety Guide for Artists explores topics related to the political persecution of artists such as defining and understanding risk, preparing for threats, fortifying digital safety, documenting persecution, finding assistance, and recovering from trauma. Tips and strategies were drawn from testimony of artists who have faced persecution as well as the research and expertise of ARC’s network.
Artist Parents
Guidelines for including artist parents written by Hettie Judah and a group of artist mothers, with translations in 13 languages.