This is a “how-to” primer with ideas, strategies, and research references to help you begin to establish local partnerships and explain the benefits of partnering with your arts group.
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This is a “how-to” primer with ideas, strategies, and research references to help you begin to establish local partnerships and explain the benefits of partnering with your arts group.
A guide on how to learn about the differences between advocacy and lobbying and the dos and don’ts of nonprofit lobbying.
The Artist’s Legacy Toolkit provides guidelines and tips for documenting and archiving your work. It will help you organize and preserve your materials in ways that are practical but neither time-intensive nor expensive.
The Center for Arts Education
This toolkit was created as a resource for parents and caregivers interested in developing the skills they need to be effectiveadvocates for their child’s education. The toolkit sheds light on what quality arts education looks like, why it matters, and how you can collaborate
with school leaders to improve and expand what your child’s school offers.