A page tracking research data, ongoing funding opportunities, news and resources, relating to philanthropic responses to COVID-19
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A page tracking research data, ongoing funding opportunities, news and resources, relating to philanthropic responses to COVID-19
New Economy Coalition
A resource for people to find funding, investing, and fiscal sponsorship opportunities, as well as detail relationships between movement organizations and funders. NEC’s membership has long-recognized a need in our movement to unlock more trust-based, regionally-rooted flows of capital between projects and funders. The Solidarity Economy Funding Library is a response to that call.
Reclaiming Native Truth
An unprecedented research campaign designed to increase our understanding of the dominant narrative about Native Americans in the United States. The research included literature reviews and environmental scans, focus groups with a variety of populations across the country, countless interviews with a range of audiences, a deep-dive social listening exploration, and more.
Cultural Solidarity Fund
The Cultural Solidarity Fund (CSF) is an initiative that provides relief microgrants of $500 to artists and cultural workers and prioritizes BIPOC, immigrant, disabled, d/Deaf, and trans and gender-nonconforming individuals who have been most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report examines CSF as a case study for Moving Money Coalitions.