A database to search for financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help by location.
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A database to search for financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help by location.
Health Resources & Services Administration
This comprehensive database of federally-funded health centers, located in most cities and many rural areas, identifies nearby clinics and provides contact information, links when available, and directions. These centers provide care for everyone, including those with no health insurance. Patients pay what they can afford, based on income.
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Tools and resources covering the basics of nonprofit financial management. You can follow the content as a progressive curriculum, or you can pick and choose among topics that are most relevant for you.
Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on financial planning and budgeting.