This compact was written to articulate and mediate the working artistic relationship between dancers and choreographers. Above all else it seeks to promote communication and respect among dancers and choreographers, and to enhance the creative act.
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This compact was written to articulate and mediate the working artistic relationship between dancers and choreographers. Above all else it seeks to promote communication and respect among dancers and choreographers, and to enhance the creative act.
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
NDEO’s guide on dance and dance education for advocates to clearly and concisely communicate information regarding descriptions of dance, the state of dance education, and the potential impact of their proposed policies and programs.
From Equity, a performing arts and entertainment trade union based in the UK, [this guide] provides advice to dance companies on how to avoid discrimination of Deaf, disabled and neurodiverse dancers through guidance on how to reach Deaf, disabled and neurodiverse talent; how to make auditions and rehearsals accessible; and how to optimise working methods…
Arts Education Partnership
ArtsEdSearch is the nation’s hub for research on the impact of arts education, including dance education. A project of the Arts Education Partnership, ArtsEdSearch is an online clearinghouse of research focused on the outcomes of arts education for students and educators, both during and outside the school day.