As contract-renewal time looms, many dancers may develop similar concerns about their job security. Here are some steps you can take to cope.
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As contract-renewal time looms, many dancers may develop similar concerns about their job security. Here are some steps you can take to cope.
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Tools and resources covering the basics of nonprofit financial management. You can follow the content as a progressive curriculum, or you can pick and choose among topics that are most relevant for you.
Part of a series of professional development sessions for Dance/NYC’s Dance Advancement Fund, this webinar provides insights and resources to support applicants in expanding their knowledge on financial planning and budgeting.
The Management Center
In this article, we share our best thinking on supporting your staff at a time when things are not okay (and haven’t been for a long time). We can create and share tools for managers that honor the humanity of their teammates—especially those who are Black.