Writing from the Birmingham jail, where he was imprisoned as a participant in protests against segregation, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. emphasizes the importance of direct action and the dangers of white moderates.
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Writing from the Birmingham jail, where he was imprisoned as a participant in protests against segregation, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. emphasizes the importance of direct action and the dangers of white moderates.
National Black Lives Matter at School
National Black Lives Matter at School is an organization struggling for liberation and racial justice in education for Black youth, educators, and all youth of color. We work to address racial justice in education by promoting restorative justice, advocating for mental health support, increasing Black teaching staff, ending police presence in schools, and mandating Black history and ethnic studies. Website includes curriculum guides and advocacy demands among other resources.
Dr. Indira Etwaroo
We have produced and presented our stories in response to domestic terrorism in our own country and we have often stood alone in this fight. I say this less as a condemnation and more as an invitation to white-led institutions who serve predominantly white, mainstream audiences.
Citizen Action of New York
Citizen Action of New York envisions a world where every person’s basic needs are met, where equity is the norm, and oppression, in all forms, is eradicated. The 2024 Justice Agenda outlines priorities of housing justice, health care equity, climate justice, democracy, education, revenue, and ending mass incarceration.