A video series which explores the principles and practices of Relaxed Performance (RP) in the arts. Access each video in ASL, LSQ, English (CC), French (OC) and with audio description.
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A video series which explores the principles and practices of Relaxed Performance (RP) in the arts. Access each video in ASL, LSQ, English (CC), French (OC) and with audio description.
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
NDEO’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Committee’s definitions of inclusion, diversity, equity, access, and related terms and concepts.
Northwest Health Foundation
“Disability Justice: An Audit Tool” is aimed at helping Black, Indigenous and POC-led organizations (that are not primarily focused around disability) examine where they’re at in practicing disability justice, and where they want to learn and grow. It includes questions for self-assessment, links to access tools, organizational stories and more.
L & Audre of Hyp-ACCESS teach the audience about: disability access in somatics, Hypermobile disability, harm reduction, and our Hyp+ accessible somatic therapy, ABNR (soon to be renamed). Embedded captions.