White Kids, based on two years of research involving in-depth interviews with white kids and their families, is a clear-eyed and sometimes shocking account of how white kids learn about race.
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White Kids, based on two years of research involving in-depth interviews with white kids and their families, is a clear-eyed and sometimes shocking account of how white kids learn about race.
Eric L. Goldstein
The Price of Whiteness documents the uneasy place Jews have held in America’s racial culture since the late nineteenth century. The book traces Jews’ often tumultuous encounter with race from the 1870s through World War II, when they became vested as part of America’s white mainstream and abandoned the practice of describing themselves in racial terms.
Citizen Action of New York
Citizen Action of New York envisions a world where every person’s basic needs are met, where equity is the norm, and oppression, in all forms, is eradicated. The 2024 Justice Agenda outlines priorities of housing justice, health care equity, climate justice, democracy, education, revenue, and ending mass incarceration.
Justin Laing
13 examples of how White Privilege shows up in larger budget, predominantly White arts organizations, and an exploration of antiracist adaptive leadership.