Brigitta Varadi, ChaNorth Residency Director and Artist, walks you through the process of writing and talking about your work.
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Brigitta Varadi, ChaNorth Residency Director and Artist, walks you through the process of writing and talking about your work.
Springboard for the Arts
A compilation of insights, practices, and tools from our collective experiences as artists, as an organization working with hundreds of artists in communities, and from a few of the artist practitioners whom we admire. This is a practical manual for individual artists who would like to begin or deepen this kind of artistic practice – work in and work with community.
NYC Arts in Education Roundtable
In this video, Zena Hinds provides an overview of the grant writing cycle with a focus on prospecting and research and writing a strong narrative. Best practices and helpful tips were discussed, followed by a Q&A. Recorded Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
Philadelphia Tax Prep for Artists
A worksheet to track unreimbursed business expenses for self-employed/1099 workers, to be used as a reference when inputting deductions on their tax forms.