NFF’s 2022 State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey collected data, stories, and advice from over 1,100 nonprofit leaders across the nation about the impact of the past two years, from the pandemic to events that activated calls for racial justice.
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NFF’s 2022 State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey collected data, stories, and advice from over 1,100 nonprofit leaders across the nation about the impact of the past two years, from the pandemic to events that activated calls for racial justice.
Creatives Rebuild New York
CRNY launched the “Portrait of New York State Artists” survey in February 2022 to build a portrait of the needs, circumstances, and experiences of artists across New York State. CRNY used data from this survey to conduct advocacy and narrative change work, and to assess whether the funding provided to artists through CRNY’s programs helped meet the needs of individual artists in any substantive or transformational ways.
Nonprofit New York
In order to ensure the nonprofit sector’s continued vibrancy, strength and capacity, Nonprofit New
York outlines four principles as the basis of their public policy advocacy agenda .
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
This Arts Data Profile gives national and state-level estimates of artists in the workforce. The figures derive from American Community Survey (ACS) data covering 2015-2019. The ACS is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. State-level estimates are available for the total number of artists and for each individual type of artist (workers in any of 13 specific artist occupations).