Service Provider Resources
A database to search for financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help by location.
Free Online Grant Writing Classes
Ready to learn how to write a winning nonprofit grant proposal? Choose your first course and learn where to find grants, how to become a grant writer, grant writing best practices, and so much more.
Free Online Grant Writing Classes
Steps for Starting a Nonprofit in New York
Nonprofit New York teamed up with New York Law School Nonprofit and Small Business Clinic to create this checklist to provide you with a comprehensive guide of what steps to take and when.
Steps for Starting a Nonprofit in New York
Housing Justice for All
Housing Justice for All is a statewide movement of tenants and homeless New Yorkers united in the fight for housing as a human right.
Housing Justice for All
Fundamentals for Nonprofits
Tools and resources covering the basics of nonprofit financial management. You can follow the content as a progressive curriculum, or you can pick and choose among topics that are most relevant for you.
Fundamentals for Nonprofits
GIVE (Growing Inclusivity for Vibrant Engagement)
A free guide that supports Teaching Artists in the creation of liberated learning environments and vibrant arts experiences within inclusion settings.
GIVE (Growing Inclusivity for Vibrant Engagement)
Disability Justice: An Audit Tool
“Disability Justice: An Audit Tool” is aimed at helping Black, Indigenous and POC-led organizations (that are not primarily focused around disability) examine where they’re at in practicing disability justice, and where they want to learn and grow. It includes questions for self-assessment, links to access tools, organizational stories and more.
Disability Justice: An Audit Tool
Declaration of Nonprofit Rights
In order to ensure the nonprofit sector’s continued vibrancy, strength and capacity, Nonprofit New York outlines four principles as the basis of their public policy advocacy agenda .
Declaration of Nonprofit Rights
RISE Theatre
RISE Theatre seeks to build a more equitable and inclusive theatre industry by centralizing DEIA tools and resources through a network of partners and a national personnel directory that supports and amplifies folks from underrepresented backgrounds, including but not limited to people of color, women, trans, nonbinary, deaf, and disabled theatre professionals.
RISE Theatre