Black Men Heal supports mental health needs for men of color by matching them with one of their in-network therapists of color and covering the cost of up to 8 therapy sessions. Application required.
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Black Men Heal supports mental health needs for men of color by matching them with one of their in-network therapists of color and covering the cost of up to 8 therapy sessions. Application required.
NYC Human Resources Administration
List of Food Pantries in NYC (all boroughs included) complied via the Community Food Connection program which provides funding to more than 500 soup kitchens and food pantries citywide.
National Endowment for the Arts
A recording of the 2024 Convening co-hosted by the White House Domestic Policy Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, exploring how the arts can contribute to health and well-being, animate and strengthen physical spaces, fuel our democracy, and drive equitable outcomes for communities across the country.
Whistle While You Work
Disrupting Harm in Dance is a curriculum as much about reimagining the future as it is about the practices and tools that can be implemented immediately by anyone or any institution. This is an online self-directed course offering information and tools for dancers, performers, and adjacent professionals to work more safely together.