IADMS’s global membership network of experts dedicated to helping dancers find a provider via this free-to-use public directory. Find the Care You Need Anytime, Anywhere!
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IADMS’s global membership network of experts dedicated to helping dancers find a provider via this free-to-use public directory. Find the Care You Need Anytime, Anywhere!
Health Resources & Services Administration
This comprehensive database of federally-funded health centers, located in most cities and many rural areas, identifies nearby clinics and provides contact information, links when available, and directions. These centers provide care for everyone, including those with no health insurance. Patients pay what they can afford, based on income.
Entertainment Community Fund
This webinar offers a comprehensive, unbiased overview of your health insurance options nationally. It’s geared towards those who are losing coverage through a union or job, as well as those who have never had coverage before
Whistle While You Work
Disrupting Harm in Dance is a curriculum as much about reimagining the future as it is about the practices and tools that can be implemented immediately by anyone or any institution. This is an online self-directed course offering information and tools for dancers, performers, and adjacent professionals to work more safely together.