Medical care to injured dancers who may not otherwise be able to pay for treatment.
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Medical care to injured dancers who may not otherwise be able to pay for treatment.
Dancers Forum
This compact was written to articulate and mediate the working artistic relationship between dancers and choreographers. Above all else it seeks to promote communication and respect among dancers and choreographers, and to enhance the creative act.
The Dance Union Podcast
The Dance Union Podcast captures timely and ephemeral conversations circulating within dance communities. It supports transparent discourse about a variety of topics including pay inequality, sexual harassment, abuse of power, and tokenism.
National Endowment for the Arts
A recording of the 2024 Convening co-hosted by the White House Domestic Policy Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, exploring how the arts can contribute to health and well-being, animate and strengthen physical spaces, fuel our democracy, and drive equitable outcomes for communities across the country.