Housing Justice for All is a statewide movement of tenants and homeless New Yorkers united in the fight for housing as a human right.
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Housing Justice for All is a statewide movement of tenants and homeless New Yorkers united in the fight for housing as a human right.
The Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP)
The Arts Compensation Project (ACP) is a dynamic data platform that gives presenting organizations and venues access to real-time data on staffing, compensation and benefits to inform decision-making, helping arts leaders and arts workers alike.
American Guild of Musical Artists
AGMA’s anti-sexual harassment policies, reporting procedures, and resources.
Lama El-Hanan, Afropunk
Lama El-Hanan critiques Arab-American movements towards solidarity with Black Americans that underemphasize the experiences of Afro-Arabs and histories of racism in the MENA region.