The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault (The Alliance) works to prevent sexual violence and reduce the harm it causes through education, prevention programming, advocacy for survivors, and the pursuit of legal and policy changes.
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The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault (The Alliance) works to prevent sexual violence and reduce the harm it causes through education, prevention programming, advocacy for survivors, and the pursuit of legal and policy changes.
Equal Rights Advocates
A comprehensive toolkit that contains information about the legal rights of employees, practical tips on how to handle it, and resources on sexual harassment or sexual assault at work.
Nyama McCarthy-Brown
This book provides dance educators with tools to refocus teaching methods to celebrate the pluralism of the United States. The contributors discuss how to diversify ballet technique classes and dance history courses in higher education, choreographing dance about socially charged contemporary issues, and incorporating Native American dances into the curriculum, among other topics.
In Curundú, a predominantly Black neighborhood in Panama City, a group of young people are using soccer as a way to come together to fight discrimination and social exclusion—issues which have been exacerbated in recent months by COVID-19.