New York City’s official source for information about emergency alerts and important city services
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New York City’s official source for information about emergency alerts and important city services
Art Space Sanctuary
Art Space Sanctuary operates with an expanded understanding of sanctuary that recognizes the multiple ways in which state-based policies, corporate profits, and geopolitical interests intersect with other forms of power exercised through inequalities of race, gender, sexuality, and class. In pushing for sanctuary spaces, Art Space Sanctuary works in solidarity with a range of other groups trying to create spaces for living viable, vibrant and secure lives, safe from environmental and structural racism, the ruthless inequalities of capitalism, health inequities and state-based violence.
NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice
Climate change is impacting New York City and its residents, and causing more extreme heat, extreme rainfall, coastal storm surge, and chronic tidal flooding. Explore the pages below to learn more about how climate change is affecting our city, communities, vulnerable populations, public health, natural systems, critical infrastructure, buildings, and economy.
Art Space Sanctuary
Art Space Sanctuary operates with an expanded understanding of sanctuary that recognizes the multiple ways in which state-based policies, corporate profits, and geopolitical interests intersect with other forms of power exercised through inequalities of race, gender, sexuality, and class. In pushing for sanctuary spaces, Art Space Sanctuary works in solidarity with a range of other groups trying to create spaces for living viable, vibrant and secure lives, safe from environmental and structural racism, the ruthless inequalities of capitalism, health inequities and state-based violence.