Review the most current human rights laws in NY State and file a complaint in the case of discrimination or harassment.
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Review the most current human rights laws in NY State and file a complaint in the case of discrimination or harassment.
Citizen Action of New York
Citizen Action of New York envisions a world where every person’s basic needs are met, where equity is the norm, and oppression, in all forms, is eradicated. The 2024 Justice Agenda outlines priorities of housing justice, health care equity, climate justice, democracy, education, revenue, and ending mass incarceration.
The Good Foot Podcast
The Good Foot Podcast is an educational platform for individuals motivated by the artists who pave their path through the street dance community. It serves as a hub for honest conversation about the diverse perspectives on the origins, dissemination, current state, and future of the culture.
Pointe Magazine
Unfortunately, ballet’s rigid hierarchy, job scarcity and conditioning of dancers to be compliant makes it a comfortable environment for perpetrators to thrive in. Our dance community needs systemic change in addition to individual action to protect dancers.