The Ali Forney Center provides LGBTQ young people housing and a continuum of supportive services to help them thrive and prepare them for independent living.
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The Ali Forney Center provides LGBTQ young people housing and a continuum of supportive services to help them thrive and prepare them for independent living.
Citizen Action of New York
Citizen Action of New York envisions a world where every person’s basic needs are met, where equity is the norm, and oppression, in all forms, is eradicated. The 2024 Justice Agenda outlines priorities of housing justice, health care equity, climate justice, democracy, education, revenue, and ending mass incarceration.
Intimacy for Stage and Screen
Professional Intimacy Practice for the stage and screen requires clear and concise protocols detailing the engagement of an Intimacy Director or Coordinator in accordance with a production.
Monash University
Guidelines for using Indigenous Australian terminology.