A platform advocating for safer spaces and against abuse in dance.
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A platform advocating for safer spaces and against abuse in dance.
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
NDEO’s guide on dance and dance education for advocates to clearly and concisely communicate information regarding descriptions of dance, the state of dance education, and the potential impact of their proposed policies and programs.
Intimacy for Stage and Screen
We know that performers have experienced many concerns, doubts and worries performing Intimacy Scenes in the past. Even with the Introduction of Intimacy Directors and Coordinators, there are ways in which performers can advocate for themselves and others in the creation of safe storytelling.
Nonprofit VOTE
Joined by speaker David Levitt, Principal at Adler & Colvin, throughout this webinar we discussed what is considered to be nonpartisan, what activities are acceptable, and provided further IRS guidance on tax-exempt voter engagement.