Our New York City Dance
Let’s leverage our power to collectively build this vision of Our New York City Dance and turn the data into directed action.
Research from State of NYC Dance 2023: Findings from the Dance Industry Census shows that dance workers, groups, organizations, and collectives are creative, innovative, and committed to the success of our industry, existing everywhere, in various roles, structures, and neighborhoods. In the Dance Industry Census, you shared with us that coming together across the dance field from our different vantage points to build an equitable and inclusive dance community is your vision for our industry. At Dance/NYC, we’re here to connect the dots between our dreams, the roadblocks we face, and the actions each of us can take to make a difference.
A Vision for Our New York City Dance
We met with you across the boroughs and regional areas at roundtable discussions and focus groups. We got your responses in the Dance Industry Census and we have shared the findings with you this year. Here is the bold vision of ‘Our New York City Dance’ collectively built by you:
Our New York City Dance is valued and protected
as a form of cultural expression, a reflection of history and society, a provider of health and wellness, an economic driver, and a common good. The people who work in Our New York City Dance are supported by human-centered policies.
Our New York City Dance is a just, attainable, and sustainable profession
that leads to thrivability for its entities and workers. It is flexible and innovative, creating opportunities to enter and leave dance by choice not force.
Our New York City Dance is a vibrant and diverse ecosystem
that strengthens the local fabric of civic life. The people who participate in dance are in relationship with each other and their respective communities, the land, and their artistry in accountable ways that honor ancestry, and correct for historic harms.
What are the issues?
To effectively address a problem, we must first understand it. Insights from the State of NYC Dance 2023 Report have illuminated three critical issues facing Our New York City Dance:
Issue 1
Dance Workers’ Lack of Value and Protections in Society
Issue 2
Financial Unsustainability for our Workers and Organizations
Issue 3
Justice, Equity and Inclusion are Still Lagging
Where do we begin?
Often the issues feel so large and impossible to tackle but we know that actions of any scale—minute to large—brings us closer to our vision. Learn more about how you can take action and bring others along.
Tools and Resources
Check out our resources, toolkits and templates to help you build Our New York City Dance.
Header Image | Pictured: Music From The Sole. Photographer: Christopher Jones